Item M±SD Rank
Giving a speech is terrifying 2.73±1.21 8
I am afraid that I will be at a loss for words while speaking 2.63±1.19 10
I am nervous that I will embarrass myself in front of the audience 2.64±1.26 9
If I make a mistake in my speech, I am unable to re-focus 2.38±1.18 14
I am worried that my audience will think I am a bad speaker 2.44±1.29 12
I am focused on what I am saying during my speech 3.36±1.17 3
I am confident when I give a speech 3.29±1.08 4
I feel satisfied after giving a speech 3.81±1.18 1
My hands shake when I give a speech 2.43±1.34 13
I feel sick before speaking in front of a group 2.08±1.27 17
I feel tense before giving a speech 2.90±1.22 7
I worry before speaking 3.05±1.24 5
My heart pounds when I give a speech 2.93±1.29 6
I sweat during my speech 2.17±1.26 16
My voice trembles when I give a speech 2.37±1.30 15
I feel relaxed while giving a speech 2.61±1.24 11
I do not have problems making eye contact with my audience 3.47±1.34 2
Total score 47.3±11.32