Overall sample (n=1075)
High Perceived Stress a
adjusted OR (95%CI) b
COVID-19 diagnosis (own)
Yes 2.854 (0.752; 10.831) 0.123
No 1.0
COVID-19 diagnosis (other in the household)
Yes 2.698 (1.240; 5.867) 0.012
No 1.0
COVID-19 impact on household income
Yes 1.519 (1.141; 2.021) 0.004
No 1.0
Compared with pre-COVID-19 period:
Difficulty falling asleep or sleeping all night
Yes 2.469 (1.848; 3.299) <0.001
No 1.0
Consume junk food in excess (chocolates, chips, etc.)
Yes 1.645 (1.252; 2.161) <0.001
No 1.0
Neglect personal appearance
Yes 1.569 (1.177; 2.092) 0.002
No 1.0
Have headaches, stomach aches, or back pain
Yes 3.002 (2.221; 4.059) <0.001
No 1.0
Difficulty not hearing/reading news about COVID-19
Yes 1.071 (0.800; 1.434) 0.645
No 1.0
Lack patience or desire to exercise
Yes 1.960 (1.485; 2.588) <0.001
No 1.0
Fear of being infected, 1-5 pts 1.336 (1.168; 1.528) <0.001
Fear of family or friends being infected, 1-5 pts 1.420 (1.170; 1.724) <0.001
Life satisfaction, 1-10 pts 0.729 (0.660; 0.806) <0.001